We are nOT here to make you a better Medical expert.
You have already earned that. We ARE here to provide a very unique experiential learning opportunity…

spending One day with our Horses offers medical Experts the following skills mastery:

  • nonverbal communication awareness

  • improved verbal communication

  • ability to established instant patient rapport

  • body language cues enabling trust & connection

  • methods to reduced stress & burnout

  • increasing team work & collegial support

  • greater treatment plan compliancy

    ultimately we believe horses for Healers will raise HCAHPS & Press Ganey scores! we encourage you to track these and give us a report card.



We are able to create a live demonstration at our farm (with horses) for administrators with genuine interest as to HOW horses can make a difference in patient care. We also can bring an interactive presentation (without horses) to your location. Contact us for more information.


H4H workshop

Horses for Healers workshops are available all year round. We create full day workshops for medical students, residents as well as CME/CEU accredited trainings from our home facility in Central New Jersey. Give the horses one day, and they will give you back years of connection, trust and collegial support. Schedule a date today!